Mana Tech Talks Episode 1: AEXLAB
The one-on-one interview with Co-Founder Jonathan Ovadia explores the VR gaming startup from inside the AEXLAB headquarters.
Wednesday, June 15
12:30-1:30pm ET
Each session will give business owners actionable insights on how to communicate their core purpose more effectively, identify their marketing strengths and weaknesses, and ensure they have the right people leading their marketing efforts.
Register in order to reserve your free spot at all three sessions of the #BizHackLive Digital Marketing Master Class Series.
The one-on-one interview with Co-Founder Jonathan Ovadia explores the VR gaming startup from inside the AEXLAB headquarters.
The series of talks featured six Colombian founders and their respective startups.
‘Mana Tech Talks’ will highlight businesses and entrepreneurs that make up Miami’s tech market.