Mana Tech and Microsoft Do It Again!

Discover insights from our latest accelerator program’s entrepreneurial journey.

May 2, 2024 · 2 Minute Read

During the busy Miami Tech Month, Mana Tech teamed up with Microsoft, Microsoft for Startups, and Southworks to host 18 Latin America AI startups in Downtown Miami. The event united talent from across South America and various tech industries in a hybrid program rich with valuable knowledge and connections that make a difference.

Founders had the opportunity to interact with fellow Mana Techies and learned from mentors including Patrick Cook, John Main, Wilson Pais, Mariano Amartino, JP Melo and others. On Tuesday, they joined a networking event hosted by our partner PAG Law and took part in the second edition of the Miami AI Salon.

During Wednesday afternoon’s Karaoke night, Walker Moseley from Guitars Over Guns made a special appearance. He shared insights on how music education empowers children from vulnerable communities, helping them find their voices and realize their potential as future leaders.

As the program unfolded, the grand finale ended in an epic Demo Day where seven finalists showcased their ventures. The selected companies were: Dealflow, Examedi, Horizon, Lara AI, Pefai, Snap Compliance, SoyMomo, with SoyMomo taking first place and Horizon earning the most peer votes for the People’s Choice Award.

Special recognition to the other startups from this cohort: Astro Marketing Academy, Cunda, DataKnow, FractalUp, Future Biome, Hitch, Medify AI, Prisma, PromptCopilot, Promtior and Reccupera.

This was an outstanding and innovative group of entrepreneurs who demonstrated their hard work and dedication. We wish them the best in their journeys and hope to see them back in Miami soon!

Interested in being part of the next Miami Immersion Program? Apply now if you are a tech entrepreneur looking to establish your business in the US.

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